CoaH Brighton Update
CoaH Brighton is just 7 months away from launching our church at Brighton High School! To prepare for our Sunday morning launch, we will have four once a month “preview” services:
Preview Services
Sunday, May 5
Sunday, June 2
Sunday, July 14
Sunday, August 10
Launch Day - Sunday, September 8!!
Right now, we are working together with our future CoaH Brighton members on strategies to best engage the community, how to share the gospel to those far from Jesus, and how to care for those in the family of God. We also have several community partners so we can live local, love local, and share Jesus with those live in our area. Our community partners include our local YMCA, Brighton High School, Brighton Main Streets, Faneuil Gardens, and more. God has certainly opened up doors for us to serve and build relationships with people in our area!
Our immediate next steps are two Vision Nights March 24 and April 7 where CoaH Brighton gathers together to pray, worship, and share in a family meal. We are also handling everyday logistics like gathering worship equipment, clearing out storage areas, and creating a summer calendar for community events.
Our prayerful goal is to start CoaH Brighton with 5 Community Groups, including 50 people and we are almost at that goal! We look forward to next steps in multiplying Community Groups, hosting events for our friends and neighbors with community partners, and organizing visiting volunteer teams to best serve our area.
How can the CoaH Network of Churches be praying for you?
You can pray for us in four ways using the Scripture references given as a guide:
Our CoaH Brighton Church Family (Acts 2:42-47)
Believers devoted to the teaching of the Word and the fellowship of the church
Generosity to others and uncommon unity
The Lord to add many to our numbers
Non-Christian Friends and Neighbors (Romans 10:1, 14-15)
Proactive initiative to share Jesus with those around us
God would guard our church against missional complacency
Faithfulness in sharing the gospel frequently and joyfully
Many would hear about Jesus and come to faith in him (names: J, A, S in particular)
Next Generation Ministries of the Church (Psalm 78:4-7; 145:3-4)
Willing volunteers to disciple the next generation
Kids, students, and college students mobilized to the nation and the world for the gospel
Community Partners (Jeremiah 29:7)
Brighton Main Streets: a local non-profit organization
Brighton High School: a local high school with one of the highest student homeless
populations in Boston Public Schools
Oak Square YMCA: this particular YMCA serves six Boston neighborhoods and is a hub
for community activity
Faneuil Gardens: a nearby government housing authority with hundreds of tenants
With almost 50,000 people in the neighborhood of Brighton, we pray these 300 seats in Brighton High School’s auditorium (where CoaH Brighton will meet) will be filled with people exploring the faith and coming to know Jesus.
CoaH Brighton singing songs of the gospel message and praying that the gospel truth would be heard and believed, that friends and neighbors will gather next to us in future months as we sing some of these very same songs.
At CoaH Brighton’s February Vision Night each person wrote down at least one name on a sticky note of a non-Christian they are praying would one day come to faith in Jesus and one day fill the chairs at our church services. We then put each name on auditorium chairs to specifically pray over each person.
As Christians, we believe that God has adopted us through Jesus into His family. Because of that, we want to spend time together over a family meal and create a culture of family care at CoaH Brighton.