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The Book of John

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” -John 20:30-31. We believe the identity of Jesus Christ is the most important thing anyone will ever consider. The book of John takes a deep dive into who Jesus is, what He said, and what He did.

Who is Jesus?

This advent series takes a look at who Jesus is in light of Isaiah 9. We consider how Jesus is the wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of peace.

The God-Centered Life

Having a life centered on God means learning who He is and how that impacts our lives. By considering the truths that God is great, glorious, good, and gracious we see how we can find that we don’t actually need what we think we need, but rather we need God himself.

Life Together

The Christian life is meant to be lived out together with other believers. The idea of the people of God living out their faith together is not abstract but rather is supposed to look a certain way. This series takes a dive into what Christian community ought to look like.


Genesis is arguably the most important book of the Bible as it lays out so many important truths about God and human beings. This series dives into the book of Genesis and all that God reveals through it.


James is one of the most practical books in the Bible. This series dives into the book of James and all the wisdom it has for us.


Mission is one of our three core values at CoaH. This series takes a look at what it looks like to live a life on mission for God.

Road of Redemption

The week before the death of Christ is full of rich teaching from the Lord Jesus. This series takes a look at Jesus’ last week before the cross.

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The book of Ephesians is filled with wonderful descriptions of God’s glory in the way he chooses and redeems his people. This series takes a look at this book a few verses at a time.

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The Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles’ Creed has been recited by millions of Christians over the centuries. But what exactly is it, and what does it mean? This series takes a deep dive into this historic creed line by line.

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Scripture tells us that Satan is constantly scheming against the church. This series takes a look in various areas that Satan tends to be most at work in the life of the believer and the church.

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The Life of David

Shepherd, King, Sinner. David is one of the most well-known figures in the Bible. In this series we are taking a deep dive into the Life of David.

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Sermon on the Mount

Jesus’ sermon recorded in Matthew has long been one that has fascinated Christians and non-Christian’s alike. In this sermon Jesus spells out what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ and what it looks like to live a flourishing life as a Christian.

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What does it truly mean to live a thriving, flourishing life? It means living a life in full submission to God. In this series we dive into what it looks like to live a thriving life with the Lord.

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Unsung Heroes of the Faith

Scripture is full of heroic men and women who have done mighty things for God. Many are very well known, but many are not. This series takes a dive into three groups of people that are often overlooked by society today and explores the massive impact they had in scripture as well as the world today.

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Joy in the Journey

Joy and suffering often seem incompatible. But, as Christians, we are called to rejoice in all things and at all times- even amidst suffering. The book of Philippians is a great example and encouragement of how to do this. In this series we find ourselves in the middle of a worldwide pandemic- yet we are still commanded to have joy. How do we even begin to do that?

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The Story of Everything

What is the Bible, exactly? Is it a rule book, a helpful guide to life? In this series we look at the Bible for what it really is- a true story about God redeeming his people. In this series we look at the overarching story of Scripture that reveals who God is, and who we are.

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Simply Human

Diving into what it means to be human we look at how each person is made with dignity, value, purpose, and made in the image of God.

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CoaH Brookline’s theme for 2020 is “Follow”. We wish to follow Jesus more closely, to know Him more intimately. In this two week series we take a brief look into what it means to follow Jesus.

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Promises from the Prophets

This Advent season we’re taking a look at various prophets from the Old Testament and what they had to say about the coming Messiah.

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Jesus is ____.

Who Jesus says he is is of utmost importance for the Christian faith. This 7 week series explores all of Jesus’ “I am” statements throughout the book of John and how they shed light on who God is, and how he relates to us.

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Together For Boston

Collaborating with 13 other churches in the greater Boston area, Together for Boston is a series that walks through what it looks like to be unified in the Gospel, united in our pursuit of the city, and united in being a catalyst for a gospel movement.


Wisdom For The Head & Heart

The Psalms and the Proverbs have some of the most emotional and practical passages in scripture. In this series we dive into the wisdom found in various passages across these two books



Ruth is a short book that has a big message. Not only is there a wonderful love story between two people, the whole book centers on God and how he restores those who look to him with hope.


The Cross

What happened on the cross is the most central event in the universe. Not in terms of time but in importance, impact, and purpose. In this six week series we dive into what actually happened on the cross and reflect on the day that changed everything.

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Being disciplined can sometimes feel like a burden more than something positive. Yet when it comes to disciplines, especially spiritual disciplines, it’s actually good for us. In this series we look at a variety of spiritual disciplines and how they’re not just good for us, but are used as a tool to bring us closer to the Lord.