
Bland Mason

Link to Sermon Notes

In this final message in our series through the Gospel of John (John 21:15-25), Jesus restores Peter by asking him three times if he loves Him, paralleling Peter’s three denials. Each time Peter affirms his love, Jesus reaffirms his role as a disciple. This passage underscores the theme of repentance and forgiveness, illustrating that despite Peter’s earlier failures, he is given a new chance to demonstrate his dedication. This exchange highlights the transformative power of repentance and submission to Jesus’ plan for our lives.

Breakfast with Jesus

Bland Mason

The Resurrection

Bland Mason

Death and Life

Bland Mason

Truth on Trial

Bland Mason

Determination and Denial

Bland Mason

Unity in the Church

Tyler Speck

John 16:5-33

Tyler Speck

The Hatred of the World, the Comfort of God, and Love for the World

Tyler Speck

Abiding in Jesus

Tyler Speck

Love and Obedience

Bland Mason

Hope for Tomorrow

Bland Mason

Love Like Jesus

Bland Mason

The Servant King

Bland Mason

Two Ways to Live

Bland Mason

The Good, the bad, the ugly

Bland Mason

The Resurrection and the Life

Bland Mason

Resolution and Revolution

Bland Mason

Christ is God

Bland Mason

The Good Shepherd

Bland Mason

Inside out Blindness

Mike Hong

Light, Freedom, Truth, Reality

Bland Mason

Grace for the Guilty

Bland Mason

Streams of Living Water

Bland Mason

Jesus at the Feast of Booths

Tyler Speck

The Bread of Life

Tyler Speck

There was no video recording this week due to the most of the staff serving at a youth conference.

Feeding 5000

Tyler Speck

Ready for the Last Day?

Mike Hong


Tyler Speck

The Woman at the Well

Bland Mason

He Must Increase, I Must Decrease

Bland Mason

Born Again to Eternal Life

Bland Mason

Jesus’ Passion for Pure Devotion

Bland Mason

The Wedding at Cana

Bland Mason

John 1:31-25

Tyler Speck

Live a Life That Points to Jesus

Tyler Speck

The Word Became Flesh

Bland Mason