Coronavirus Rhythms

This is certainly a really strange time in which we are living.  In all my years of pastoral ministry, I’ve never faced a hurdle quite like this. The COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of face-to-face interaction has left us longing for normalcy and looking forward toward an uncertain future.  Yet in the midst of this new normal, we can cling to two promises. Most importantly, God is sovereign (i.e. none of this took him by surprise). Second, Jesus promised that he would build his church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it.

As we adjust to lives marked by social distancing and virtual interaction, it is helpful to find new ways to help us not only survive, but thrive, over the next several weeks.  Every person has certain rhythms and patterns, whether intentional or not, he or she lives by each day. These rhythms give structure to our lives but are also formative to who we are becoming.  Gospel-driven rhythms can help us follow Jesus in the midst of trials and adversity. With COVID-19 disrupting our lives, we need a set of rhythms to help us enter into this season with a heart set on Jesus, resting in the Gospel, to fix our hope on him.  Here’s a sample set of rhythms for you to consider:


Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”  One of the best things you can do right now is grow in your dependency upon prayer. One of the top reasons given for prayerlessness is lack of time.  God has providentially slowed our lives down, and I believe he is calling us to cry out to him in prayer. There are a number of ways in which we can pray for each other, our city, and the world:

Daily Prayer Zoom Call, 8 AM - Each day COAH Brookline is hosting a 15-20 minute prayer Zoom call.

7 Day Prayer Guide from Lifeway

Praying the Psalms 


The temptation is there to watch every last show on Netflix or Disney+, but this is also a great opportunity to get into God’s Word.  Take some time to dig in, reignite, or start reading the Bible for the first time. Don’t know where to start? Check out these resources:

Simple March Reading Plan from Summit Church SW Florida

Rather listen to the Word? Download a free subscription to the Dwell app!

Rest and Reflect 

In Psalm 46:10, we are told to be still and know the Lord.  Take time each day to stop and reflect on how you are doing and sit before the Lord.  Rest and reflection is different from inaction and vegetation . Rest is a posture where we trust that God is at work while we are not.  Rest is purposefully ceasing from productivity to enjoy God and the world he created. You could do this by literally sitting still in a chair or laying on the floor for 8 minutes to just be still before the Lord. You could go for a walk by yourself (at a safe 6-foot distance).  Journaling can be a great way to answer the question, “how am I doing?” Describe how you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


You need to stay connected with others. I know it seems impossible with our current quarantine. However, we live in a time with ample virtual options.  Join with your Community Group via Zoom or Google Meet. Setup a virtual tea, game night, or trivia contest. Watch a movie together through Netflix Watch Party.  There are numerous creative ways you can stay connected with others, even when stuck at home.

Be Active 

A great way to break up the day is to get up and do something active. Go for a walk. Play with your kids (Check out: Go noodle website and Cosmic kids yoga).  Workout or start a new puzzle.  Discover a new hobby. Just do something!  Getting some movement and exercising your brain will help make each day more enjoyable.


We have been afforded an unprecedented opportunity to engage our neighbors during this season.  The church was made for seasons like this. During plagues and outbreaks, the church has historically been on the frontlines of serving their neighbors by binding up what’s broken.  There are ways we can serve our city and still respect social distancing protocol. Here are ways you could get involved:

Offer Assistance - If you are able to help with meals, go pick up groceries, or offer financial assistance, go fill out this form.

BPS Meal Prep - BPS is still providing free breakfast and lunch to all BPS students. Meal sites need volunteers daily. If you are able to go volunteer, go here to sign up and for more information.

At all times, God is drawing us to himself. This time is no different.  I invite you to step into these rhythms, draw near to Jesus, and be reminded of his great love for you.

- Steven Castello, City on a Hill Church Planting Resident

City on a Hill Brookline