Comparing the stories of Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar is a good reminder that the Kingdom of God is far better than any kingdom or nation, and is the exact opposite of the great kingdoms we've seen rise and fall in history.
Read MoreSimplicity is just like bible study, prayer, and fasting. It is not something you will achieve next week but are called to press into day-by-day. While we can’t instantly achieve perfect simplicity, we can take practical steps to consider and move toward it.
Read MoreCoaH Brighton is just 7 months away from launching our church at Brighton High School! Pastor Aaron shares some updates as well as how we can be praying for CoaH Brighton!
Read MoreIt doesn't matter if you do not know someone who has been sexually abused (statistics say you actually do), weep when you read the stories in the report. Weep when you see pictures of the girls and boys that have been abused. Their innocence taken too young, and exposed to the evils of sin in the people they trusted.
Read MoreIt's a strange thing about being an adult. You can quickly forget how the investments of people into your childhood and youth shaped you forever into the person you are today. For me, Youth Encountering Christ (YEC) has been a wonderful reminder of how crucial this stage of life is and how God is inviting us to participate usher in a new generation of believers into his family.
Read MoreI remember when it hit me. I was listening to a group of black pastors, around my age, share experiences of being profiled and discriminated against and it occurred to me: I have been blind to my privilege. These were men who, like me, were born after the Civil Rights movement. I used to think while there were vestiges of racism left, certainly our nation has reached a point where equality is the rule. While we may generally condemn overt racism as a society, we often miss the covert racism which still impacts the lives of black men and women nearly every day.
Read MoreIn preparation for this Sunday’s sermon on the sanctity of life and racial reconciliation, Steven Castello, our CG director and church planting resident, shares why these are gospel issues and encourages us to approach them with humility and hearts open to what the Word says as well as to one another.
Read MoreSunday mornings often feel like a train wreck. Everything can seemingly go wrong, every conceivable problem can arise, but God is still good. And despite our imperfections he is made known on the worst of Sundays.
Read MoreDr. David Mills, Acting Dean at Champlain College in Burlington, VT, led a workshop to help us probe the nature and value of art, reveal artistry in relation to church history, and help us apply what we learn to contemporary practice.
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